Backlash Over Randi Zuckerberg’s Self-Promotional Veteran’s Day Tweet

File this in the “Think Before You Share” category. Randi Zuckerberg set off a Twitter firestorm earlier today when she posted a Veteran’s Day-themed tweet promoting her new book, Dot Complicated. The tweet read “In honor of Veterans Day, share how tech helped/complicated life while serving & get a free signed copy of my book!” Naturally, the response so far hasn’t been very good with no apology yet from Zuckerberg (yes, she is the sister of Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg). Zuckerberg’s embedded tweet (and some responses) are embedded below. Should she apologize? How should she respond?


Randi Zuckerberg's self-promotional Veteran's Day-themed tweet.







When posting a tribute to veterans, it’s usually best just to say “Thank you.” I often find myself at a loss of words when it comes to thanking veterans for their service but sincere thanks with no strings attached can go a long way. One thing’s for sure, “I want to thank you by promoting myself” probably won’t go over too well.

For another good read, check out Kevin Roose’s New York Magazine article: Randi Zuckerberg’s Honestly Confused Guide to Life Online.

  1. Reply

    I’m really not surprised. Silicon Valley is out of touch…

  2. Reply

    I’m a veteran, and I’m not offended by her action. She simply asked for input from service members about how tech helped or hurt them during their service. If they respond they get a free book. How is what she’s doing all that different from all the companies around the country who promote themselves with their sales on Veterans Day? Are they not promoting themselves as “THE place to go” on Veterans Day for the best deal? How many offer a free gift for coming in to their store?

      • Nate Long
      • November 21, 2013

      Thanks for your input, Paul, and thanks for your service. Great point regarding retail stores doing essentially the same thing. In fact, Veteran’s Day sales rarely have anything at all to do with veterans. Just another excuse for a sale. Maybe the difference is that people have grown to expect this type of promotion from corporate retail, but not from individuals.

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